Owner: CamouflageNoise
Members: 46

Non-english music - 13 July, 2008
Eclipse, Yue says
I'd prefer something like french or something a la Noir Desir, but anything is fine. Some artists in my library:
Dir en Grey
MC Solaar
Moi Dix Mois
Noir Désir
Total Topic Karma: 10 - More by this Author
poss says
+2 Karma
Fibs and I have a new favourite band Natiruts

We love the song

Um Anjo do ceu.

They are brasilian reggae, it is the shiznit
- Author's History - 13 July, 2008
Zenmonk says
+1 Karma
Pink Martini is about as close as I get to what you're looking for. Oh, and zydeco. That's French, right? Kinda?
- Author's History - 18 July, 2008
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