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Age: 0
Gender: Male
Doctrine Discordia
Location: somewhere ELSE
Karma: 133.8
Rathmaster's Zakbook
p0ss says 19 February, 2007
You are hereby invited to join The Contest any entry, any medium, any reward. Bring it on!
Scott Peterson says 15 February, 2007
I want to make babies with you, yes?
Admin Jawad says 06 February, 2007
Yeah, I agree with you on that. Though, Lenin also played his part in messing up Communism. And Mao's cultural revolution was no help either. Socialism, though, seems to be working out great for many countries. Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland, for example, could all be losely described as socialist nations.
Admin Jawad says 02 February, 2007
Ati says 31 January, 2007
Greetings Rathmaster.

Glad to see you seem to have found some use for the site.

I like the avatar.
Hammaad Alvi says
Hey thnx for joining Shuzak. I am your guide around this community, so let me know if you need help with anything

ps) click on "Reply" to zak (message) me back.

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