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The terrorists have won. - 01 February, 2007
hobs says
From the article:
"BOSTON (Feb. 1) - A judge ordered two men held on bond Thursday for allegedly placing electronic advertising devices around the city, stirring fears of terrorism and shutting down parts of Boston.

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Peter Berdovsky, 27, and Sean Stevens, 28, were held on $2,500 cash bond each after they pleaded not guilty to placing a hoax device and disorderly conduct.

Officials found 38 blinking electronic signs promoting the Cartoon Network TV show "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" on bridges and other high-profile spots across the city Wednesday, prompting the closing of a highway and the deployment of bomb squads. The surreal series is about a talking milkshake, a box of fries and a meatball. The network is a division of Turner Broadcasting Systems Inc."

They got arrested for putting up LED signs, and people thought these HORRIBLY THREATENING SIGNS WERE TERRORIST PLOTS TO BOMB SHIT.

How stupid is our country, seriously. We are so afraid of everything that a sign of a CARTOON CHARACTER means we should call the bomb squad.

Total Topic Karma: 10 - More by this Author
Boarder1388 says
+1 Karma
Yea I saw the picture. Really looks threating.

Its amazing that basically any small news story will become "Breaking News" during the middle of the day.

Oh and I also like the part where it said the signs had been up for two to three weeks.
- 01 February, 2007
Lee says
+2 Karma
The article I read was talking about how what they did was illigal. wtf. Its not their fault people are stupid. Since when are the terrorists drawing cartoons on their bombs?
- 01 February, 2007
(Guest) Guest says
+0 Karma
- 01 February, 2007
CamouflageNoise says
+2 Karma
Boston got pwned by ATHF. I just hope this doesn't cause [adult swim] to become more monitored and watered down. I love it now, and I don't want it to change.
- 01 February, 2007
p0ss says
+1 Karma
Frightened people are easier to rule and lead.
- 01 February, 2007
Isaac Newton says
+0 Karma
P0ss. True statement.

However, there is a reason to fear. This is not the '50s. There is no "Red Scare" that is based off of a witch hunt by senator McCarthy.

This is post-911. America is missing thousands of citizens from the falling of the Twin Towers.

I believe there is reason to fear. However, we should not let the fear of Terrorism cripple this nation. That would lead to economic depression, poor policy agenda ideals and...as we have seen this week..

Idiots scared of the Mooninites.
- 01 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
"This is post-911. America is missing thousands of citizens from the falling of the Twin Towers."

WTC: In addition to the 19 hijackers, 2,973 people died; another 24 are missing and presumed dead.

IRAQ: U.S. Deaths Confirmed By The DoD: 3079

Revenge has killed more US citizens than terror.
- 01 February, 2007
Rathmaster says
+1 Karma
poee. POEE!!!!!!!!!!!!


but seriously, folks.

all that about some blinking lights? on some stupid cartoon network show? wanna know what REAL terrorists would put on their bombs? BARNEY. thats right. i hear you shivering with fear... at the barneybomb. can you imagine? now you realize, that all those hours modern kids spend watching barney are the equivalent of hours at a TERRORIST TRAINING CAMP. they brainwash the kids, and fill their mind with evil coding, to be activated with just a word, then they become barnlets and begin murdering people randomly. the blood is on your hands amerika... YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!!!

- 01 February, 2007
SomeoneWhoIsntMe says
+0 Karma
I hope they can see this, because I'm doing it as hard as I can.
- 01 February, 2007
Scorcho says
+0 Karma
Last I saw one of these LED "bombs" was going on Ebay for $1,500(!)
- 02 February, 2007
Rathmaster says
+0 Karma
awesome. someone made a ton of money off a grilled cheese sandwhich on which mold had grown in the shape of Our Lady (or Their Lady, since im not christian)
- 02 February, 2007
Durandal says
+0 Karma
What a ridiculous situation. So far I've heard that the media is to blame for hyping up the story to no end.
- 03 February, 2007
hobs says
+0 Karma
>>Isaac Newton
If you think that "the terrorists" are a real threat to America you need to do your homework:
In 1999
41,345 lost their lives due to car accidents
04,695 pedestrians were killed in auto accidents
For a total of 46,040 American deaths.

Total number of people killed in 9/11:

Now while every one of those 2819 people are a horrendous tragedy, shouldn't we spend some of those hundreds of billions of dollars on making cars and roads safer?
- 04 February, 2007
SomeoneWhoIsntMe says
+0 Karma
By your logic:

Total people killed in the US by Cancer and Heart Disease per year: 1.2m

Jews killed in the holocost: ~6m

The holocost was about 5 years long, therefore 1.2m Jews were killed per year on average during the holocost.

Thusly, Cancer and Heart Disease are equally terrible as the Holocost.
- 04 February, 2007
p0ss says
+3 Karma
@ SomeoneWhoIsntMe

allthough there IS be a difference between the 1999 figures and the 2001 figures required to give an exact comparison, the anomaly is negligible, the time period between samples is fairly insignificant.
Where as, your example uses samples taken from vastly different time periods, comparing current death rates to an unconnected historical occurance seperated by 60 years and a huge population boom, is certainly faulty methodology.

If we were to compare the battle of hastings to the WTC attacks a cursary glance would reveal similarities in deaths, but the global population was only 310 000 000 then compared to our six and a half billion, meaning if the WTC attacks took place in 1066, and effected the same percentage of the global population the attacks would have killed a grand total of 140 people, hardly noteworthy. regardless of Constantine's methodology, this is the point he was making, the WTC deaths account for a hideously small percentage of the global population and their imprtance has been hideously overblown.

Of course the deaths are real, and terrible, vicious and horrible, but the attacks are not the massive, unprecedented, unprovoked and senseless acts of madmen they have been presented to be.

We, as westerners have been covertly funding "terrorist" organisations around the planet throughout recorded history, we play factions against factions, orchestrate the rise and fall of dictators and democracies, all for our own selfish ends. We are fickle in our alliances and brutal in our betrayals.

One of these factions has turned against us, they stood up and punched us in the nose.

Our rage is unsurpassed, vengence must be had, blood is spilt to mend our battered pride.

Only now do we realise that we are hated, only now do we see the destruction we have wrought throughout history, the trail of battered countries, shattered families, broken promises.

It is not just the "terrorists" that hate us, it is ordinary people around the world, we are the bloated capitalist westerners, with our cars and food and houses. Every single day, people are starving to death, cursing us for our gluttony.

And yet we act like the injured party, we claim we were unfairly attacked, we break international law to defend our dented pride.

What piteous brutal gluttons we are, we have sculpted our happiness out of other peoples pain, and we wonder why they hate us so. wonder why they have killed 3000 of our own, when 150,000 people starve to death EVERY DAY.
- 04 February, 2007
+0 Karma

said well......

- 04 February, 2007
hobs says
+0 Karma
Mad karma to you P0ss, that was what I was implying - that while the 9/11 was a tragedy it was just one of the many tragedies that happen every day in the USA alone. Yet it is used to scaremonger the American people into accepting any retard logic put before them.
- 07 February, 2007
SomeoneWhoIsntMe says
+0 Karma
I'm just saying, death toll alone doesn't really take into account the magnitude of the tradgedy.

Don't get me wrong though, 9/11 has totally been exploited by the republican party as an excuse for anything.
- 08 February, 2007
