Owner: Constantine
Members: 38

Favorite geek T-shirt/accessory place - 15 February, 2007
Yue says
So what's everyones favorite places for geeky stuff?
jinx, thinkgeek? start naming them! include what's there, random stuff? strictly shirts?
Total Topic Karma: 6 - More by this Author
Constantine says
+1 Karma
I would have to say Jinx is a shirt cornucopia but newegg is my favorite geek paradise
- 15 February, 2007
Scorcho says
+1 Karma
Thinkgeek and gameskins for clothes

Newegg for eletronicicicical stuffs.
- 15 February, 2007
Chadrack says
+2 Karma
I've lost interest with Jinx because of the huge influx of WoW merch. They kind of kicked the rest of us nerds in the balls when they started producing only WoW content :'(
- 15 February, 2007
CamouflageNoise says
+0 Karma

Wow, are there only 3? Or do they update and have only a certain amount available at one given time?

I think one of the best ones I've seen said:

Cotton Shirt
Durability 5/5
Requires Level 1

Or something along those lines.
- 16 February, 2007
Yue says
+0 Karma
erm. . .I accidentally deleted someones post. . .Sorry! *didn't know I could delete people's post*
- 16 February, 2007
Rathmaster says
+0 Karma
was it one of those blank posts?
- 16 February, 2007
Troll says
+0 Karma
I always just go to my sister's bedroom, she has the best stuff..
- 16 February, 2007
Yue says
+1 Karma
I'm actually not sure rath. i have yet to see these blank posts, so i think it may have unfortunately been a real one.
- 16 February, 2007
Rathmaster says
+0 Karma

TES4 rocks dont it?
- 16 February, 2007
Cappy says
+1 Karma
o_O you deleted my post! Weird? I posted http://www.wowwear.net
- 17 February, 2007
Yue says
+0 Karma
ah it was your post cappy? sorry about that it was an accident had no idea i could delete stuff.
- 18 February, 2007
Yue says
+0 Karma
well i agree with you guys. I'll add errorwear.com there too although it's relatively small from what i remember.
- 22 February, 2007
tofugorilla says
+0 Karma
Buy clothes? I get all of my clothes in the form of swag from computer conventions!
- 22 February, 2007
Yue says
+0 Karma
lol. nice tofug. I think cons cost money that i don't have.
- 22 February, 2007
