(Create a Community)
DarkMatter's Communities :

Life [members: 19] - Owner
Everyday Stuff

Science [members: 322]
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. - Einstein

Google [members: 15]
This community is dedicated to Google. Inc and all things Google.

Suggest Shuzak! [members: 2869]
Suggest, Comment, Rant, and Discuss Shuzak. Since you guys are the early beta users, any input would be great.

Ubuntu Linux [members: 17]
This is the community that talks about Ubuntu Linux, one of the best Desktop Linux out there. Discuss everything you want here, and all your questions.

Wii like it :p [members: 24]
A community for those who bow down to the Wii. :)

Adium [members: 2] - Owner
Talk about the Mac OS X instant messenger (Scripting, Styles, Plugins, ect)

Apple [members: 28]
Community for all things Mac and Apple related.

AppleScript [members: 1] - Owner
Everything AppleScript!!