Owner: Boarder1388
Members: 9

Discussion of movies, music, TV, books, sports.... Really anything which is entertainment related

Oscar Predictions ( 1 replies )
So what is everyone's predictions for the oscars. I'm just curious to see what other people thought of the movies that are nominated for best picture this year. I can't believe Little Miss Sunshine was nominated. Heres the list: - Babel - The Departed - Letters from Iwo Jima - Little Miss Sunshine - The Queen I really hope The Departed wins. I've heard The Queen isn't very good. So what are your thoughts?...Click Here | By Boarder1388
Future of Entertainment ( 10 replies )
With the advent of Youtube and iTunes, the internet is becoming the place to get your entertainment. Do you think that this is where the future of TV and music is? TiVo, and other digital storage devices are finding their way into more and more homes. But commercials, what the entire industry of television and radio is based on, are having a hard time finding a welcome place in online entertainment. I've seen a few adds placed strategically at points in online media, but I find them wh...Click Here | By CamouflageNoise
TV Shows ( 24 replies )
What are some of your favorite TV shows of all time?...Click Here | By Boarder1388


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