its actualy quite interesting from one side but seems immpossible too, however if it is succesfully implemented we cannot deny the possibility that a large portion of volatile (& non volatile as well) memory storage will be using them.........Click Here | By Harsh
hi; i studyed some digital electronics this semester, but actually didnt connected nor use a real PCB, just simulated stuff with software. I wanted to build a real 7 segment with logic gates, but dont know where to start. I already have the equations with the logic gates that I need to use, and also have the theoretical circuit done; what should I buy or what should I read for building a real one? Any suggestions?...Click Here | By gadget00
Driving a VFD with a PIC
As I'm currently building a WLAN-MP3-Player out of an Asus WL-500GP (which runs OpenWRT, i.e. Linux) and an USB-soundcard, I'm thinking about giving that baby a nice display, made of one of the old VFDs I have lying around.
I guess my first step will be to measure some characteristics of the VFD itself (best filament-voltage, filament-grid voltage, et c.), then making a circuit consisting of the VFD, a driver-IC which contains 32 shift-registers and latches, and a Microchip PIC (t...Click Here | By Martin Schuster