Gender: Age:
Male 23
Religion: Location:
100% Christian Panama, Panama
Karma: 1.2
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About Me:
Well Im almost 23 now, from LatinAmerica(Panama preciselly), studing computer science bachelor, pre-senior year, totally convinced that God is real and devoted to live for JesusChrist. I serve in my local church as a youth ministry leader/counselor. Im starting a tech company with a ex-college partner now.
Christianity, spiritual research, computer-related info(from discrete math, all the way to web2.0 things), wireless networking/technologies, FOSS, Linux, literature and magazine reading/publishing, classic cartoons, youth counseling(mostly christian-oriented), any info research in general, leadership learning, journalism, some poetry, some biology themes; I have issues with physics(yep, I havent been good with that one, since high school :( ), but it is interesting at the end. Want to learn more about electronics and circuit things.
Bible, some Cyberpunk genre, latinamerican literature, Purpose Driven Life, Christian-themed/life books...I dont know, I just dont have a particular genre that I like(besides cyberpunk, but neuromancer doesnt seems that great); if I like the story, I read it. I would like to publish some books of my own, or work in a publication like a magazine, an e-zine, maybe a newspaper;
People I look up to:
people wanting to share ideas, and who knows maybe arguing with some of them. Totally great if they shared some of my interests, but if not I would like to listen to you anyway, and exchange thoughts. I like to learn new things
Geeky Habits:
spend more time on the computer than watching TV, and/or going to the movies. I used to collect calculators(just have 3 now). Stay awake all night long if I want to make something work(one time it was wireless on linux, coding some projects, researching about anything, praying, etc.) I have issues with getting to bed early
Admin Jawad says
Hey Gadget, your avatar has changed. The problem is actually with the browser. What some browsers, like Internet Explorer, do is store images of the same name in their browser cache; this way, the nex...(more - reply)