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Registration to this network is free! Shuzak aims to foster discussion on various topics including but not limited to science, mathematics, computer technology, philosophy, military, politics, economics, religion, art, and is a social network solely for the purpose of intellectual discussion and socialization.
By using this social network, you agree to abide by the following rules:
1. No post or thread titles should attack a user. Do not be defamatory to anyone in anyway. Respect other contributors beliefs (such as religious beliefs).
2. Any post or title advertising a product or service will be deleted by Shuzak moderators.
3. Refrain from the use of bad language or vulgarity. Trolls will be removed from Shuzak without hesitation. Be friendly and polite. It's not hard, everyone can do it. In other words, think before you contribute
4. All threads and contents will be moderated if necessary.
5. Unlike most other social networks, we believe that a social network should open itself to the world. Consequently, we allow search engines to index the content produced on Shuzak. However, to preserve your privacy, we will not allow search engines to index the content within your zakbook.
6. Any link in a post that misleads the users to inappropriate content will be immediately deleted from the post.
7. At the time of this writing, there is no limit to the number of words a user can have in a post, as long as they are appropriate and meet our terms and conditions.
8. Modifying, adapting, translating, or reverse engineering any portion of the Shuzak.com service is strictly prohibited.
9. Do not collect any information about other Members (including user names and/or email addresses) for unauthorized purposes.
10. Creating user accounts by automated means or under false or fraudulent pretenses will not be tolerated.
11. Creating or transmitting unwanted electronic communications such as "spam," or chain letters to other Members or otherwise interfering with other Member's enjoyment of the service will result in account termination. 14. You agree not to hold Shuzak or its employees and users liable for anything stated within the network. All posts in this website are the opinions of the poster only.
15. You will not use any of the posts in this forum without the permission of the original author. Any content generated by a user is the property of that user and Shuzak.
16. We will not reveal your full email address to anyone for commercial purposes.
17. We reserve the right to edit any and all content that has been placed on Shuzak.
18. Please do not post or give any personal information on this website that you do not wish others to know. If you wish to do so, we are not responsible for any consequences that might result from such actions.
In addition to the above, you understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials ("Content") are the sole responsibility of Shuzak and the person from whom such Content originated. Shuzak reserves the right, but shall have no obligation, to pre-screen, flag, filter, refuse, modify or move any Content available via Shuzak. You understand that by using our services you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable, and that you use Shuzak services at your own risk. You agree that you are responsible for your own conduct and any Content that you create, transmit or display while using our services and for any consequences thereof. You agree to use our services only for purposes that are legal, proper and in accordance with the Terms and any applicable policies or guidelines. You agree that you will not engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts our services or servers or networks connected to Shuzak.
Users outside of Canada agree to comply with their own local rules regarding online conduct and acceptable content, including laws regulating the export of data to and from Canada or your country of residence.
We may, but shall have no obligation to, remove Materials that we determine in our sole discretion are unlawful, fraudulent, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable, or infringes or violates any party's intellectual property or other proprietary rights or these Terms of Service.
The terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Please regularly check this web page for additions, deletions, and changes.
Last but not least; please use common sense to avoid any cause of obvious problems not stated here. Do to others as you would have them do to you.