Owner: RedStar
Members: 260

Homeland Security High - 24 September, 2007
zenmonk says
I find this horribly disgusting.

According to Mother Jones magazine, "Maryland's Joppatowne High School became the first school in the country dedicated to churning out would-be Jack Bauers." Students will pursue programs such as information and communication technology, criminal justice and law enforcement, and "homeland security science".

"The school's main goal is to get its grads jobs in the booming $24-billion-a-year homeland security industry....Jonathan Zimmerman, director of New York University's History of Education Program, says that if it offered students an 'intellectually curious' curriculum, 'I'd send my daughter there. But my fear is that they will instead teach a series of predigested truths about keeping our country safe.'

While the shool is designed to take advantage of the military-industrial complex that has a strong foothold in the Maryland economy, "the program's not involved in war or peace. Still, there are some realities about good guys and bad guys that will surely be discussed."

Oh really. Lets discuss some of the realities about 'good guys' and 'bad guys'.
Total Topic Karma: 7 - More by this Author
Ati says
+1 Karma
That is... alarming.
- Author's History - 24 September, 2007
poss says
+2 Karma
In other news, the ministry of truth has started distributing soma...
- Author's History - 25 September, 2007
(Guest) Guest says
+0 Karma
I'm in the program.....it rocks
- Author's History - 03 October, 2007
QuantumBeep says
+2 Karma
It is not OK. We have a military and a police force, both of which are well-equipped to train qualified candidates. Many High-School graduates don't fully grasp the three Rs - keep working on that.
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
Ati says
+1 Karma
Not to mention that raising kids to be policemen/soldiers smacks of a lot of very unpleasant things.
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
Bryan says
+1 Karma
Wow this is a great idea...

For the terrorist to use :o. Why not just have a open folder night at the CIA. I mean seriously.
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
