Owner: Lacey
Members: 7

I love Star Wars - 24 February, 2007
Lacey says
Dont you?
Total Topic Karma: 83 - More by this Author
Ati says
+3 Karma
The first three yeah...
- 24 February, 2007
Mad Ant says
+2 Karma
I like it, but midichlorians ... no. Just ... no.
- 24 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+3 Karma
My mother was an Ewok and my father was Jeremiah Johnson.
- 24 February, 2007
paul says
+3 Karma
I've never seen it
- 24 February, 2007
Lacey says
+2 Karma
@ paul

what?! youve never seen star wars? what kind of world do you live in?! lol
- 24 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+3 Karma

Ohhhh... Nice graphic!

I LOVED the first three... I think Return of the Jedi is my favorite but the very first one has very find memories for me as my Dad took me to see it in the theater and I really did not do many things withhim as a child.

When they were re-released to the Theater I took my son to all of them and it was like some kind of generational tradition. My son loves them too.

The last three were entertaining but lacked that same connection for me. I think Lucas lost a little of his vision which is sad.
- 24 February, 2007
Lacey says
+3 Karma
@ rob

i love the original trilogy better as well, the empire strikes back is the best though =P

how old is your son? My whole family (mom, dad, & brother) love starwars. but we all agree that the new movies out aren't as great as the older ones. episode 2 was the worst, with the whole mushy love story. wtf. its starwars! haha. episode 3 was alright, i liked that one a whole lot better than 1 or 2.
- 24 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

My son is 14 now... He is growing up soo fast! And my whole family loves Star Wars.. Secretly I think we all wish we could be Jedi! *grin* It's really why I train in the MArtial Arts you know.. *grin*

And yeah.. Number 2 of the new trilogy kinda stank.. The effects were amazing though. I thought the 3rd one was at least getting closer to the original spirit of the series though..

I am looking forward to the next Indiana Jones movie. Next to Star Wars Indiana Jones is one of my favorite ongoing franchises.
- 24 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+2 Karma
Here is a list of things that I think Lucas did wrong.
1) He killed off both Fett's.
2)He invented Jar Jar Binks.
3) He killed off Darth Maul.

Why Lucas, whyyyy would you do these things to me! Why would thou forsaketh theeeeee!!!!!!

- 24 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+2 Karma
Oh and he did one more thing. He let Sony make an mmorpg about Star Wars. Wise up Lucas, you should have played Everquest before you handed over the rights to make Star Wars Galaxies, a game that was riddled with bugs and plagued by underachieving game developers! That game sucked ass, and when I finally felt comfortable with it sucking ass, Sony goes and changes it from major suckage to pure shit.

But other than these 4 things, I think Star Wars is fricking awesome.
- 24 February, 2007
Ati says
+3 Karma
I liked episodes 3,4,5, and six.

I disliked episodes 1 and 2 for a few simple reasons.

Episode 1:

*Jar Jar. Need I say more?

*Anakin. Darth Vader does not hit on princesses twice his age.

Episode 2:

* The romantic dialog that was almost certainly written by someone who has never had a girlfriend in their life, and reads trashy romantic novels.

* Anakin. Darth vader does not whine.

- 24 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+1 Karma
I'm gonna agree with those complaints as well. If it weren't for Obi wan keeping things fun to watch I think I would never watch those 2.
- 24 February, 2007
Lacey says
+2 Karma
@ Rob

Thats cool, my little brother is about to turn 18. I have a cousin who is 14 I like 14 yr olds. even if some of them are whiney. Last summer i was a councilor for an all girls summer camp and it was alot of fun i like working with teenagers. (even though im 20 lol not that old compared to them). I didn't know they were coming out with new Indiana Jones movies? Wtf. I can already say that it wont be as good as the older ones. Harrison Ford is priceless.

@ Matt & Ati
Yeah, Lucas did alot of stupid crap. Why would he kill off boba fet? he was freakin awesome!!! jenga fet wasnt so cool, but he was still cool. lol. also jar jar binks was so annoying i thought i was going to kill myself to sit through episode 1 one more time!!

My biggest complaint of all time that he has ever done though, would have to be the change he made in return of the jedi for the dvd version. At the very end when Luke was burning Darth Vader's body, he looks up and sees his father (Anakin), Obi Wan, & Yoda in spirit form... smiling and looking all happy. But in the DVD version he takes out the "old" Anakin image and puts in Hayden Christiansen.. or whatever his lastname is. I found it to be an OUTRAGE. I dont understand why he would do that!! For one, yoda and obi wan are both still in their older state of apperance. WTF Lucas? I cant watch Return of the Jedi on DVD anymore. I get really pissed off haha.
- 24 February, 2007
Ati says
+3 Karma
Ah yes. The infamous 'ghost scene' edit. Apalling really.
- 25 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+3 Karma

Yes..redoing the final scene to put Hayden Chirstenson blew... Evil Mr. Lucas! *shaking fists*
- 25 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+1 Karma
It was stupid, but I really don't care as much as most do. It's just one tiny scene. I guess I'm just not as hardcore as you folks!

/runs away and cries

/then farts
- 25 February, 2007
lypsis says
+2 Karma
I'm a fucking STAR WARS Freak since around 1999 (=Episode I). Watched Episode II & III in sneak previews, read lots of books (advanced universe & fact books).
My room is protected by a lifesize Dart Vader
Picture => (its my mobile cam... sorry for that)

Yeah, I would definitely call me a STAR WARS-Freak, but I'm lovin' it! It's true, the new trilogy is... different. But it's STAR WARS, too, so I dont give a fuck about it.
My favourite episodes?

OLD TRILOGY: STAR WARS Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
NEW TRILOGY: STAR WARS Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

I'd heard that this year there's coming a special DVD-Box Set with all episodes in it, would be great have it all-in-one

Why I like STAR WARS? Hard question.. All the details (which you can read about in the fact books, for example "illustrated encylopedia"), the hole story thing and the good old "good VS. bad guys" thing, it's great!

I'm looking forward to the STAR WARS real tv-series which is coming around 2008 I think
- 25 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+1 Karma
Yeah I look forward to that series myself.
- 25 February, 2007
Lacey says
+2 Karma
@ Lypsis

that vader is AWESOME! i want one! lol
- 25 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+1 Karma
I had a life size poster of Vader in mid 80s. I was a wee lad back then. Good times.
- 25 February, 2007
Lacey says
+2 Karma
i wasnt even born till 86 lol
- 25 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+4 Karma
Thats great in a way but a shame in another. I had some really fond memories of the 80s. I can attribute my love for action and martial arts films to growing up in the 80s. I'll never forget the first time I seen Bloodsport haha! And the music in the 80s was awesome as well. David Bowie owns! So you see, you missed alot, but at least your still no where near the age of 30 like I am. It's a damned curse!
- 25 February, 2007
p0ss says
+4 Karma
The original series was an epic tale, a parable for the human condition, much like lotr. With the new films however, lucas lost his way. It is almost as if stole the scripts for the first three, then when it came to making the rest he just made some crap up. I have not seen anything good come out of the star wars franchise for quite a while, even most toy light sabres are crap. The one exception may be the latest lego star wars game.
I sincerely that there is a massive change, and there is a Star wars game released for the wii, If done properly i believe it is the game the wii was *made* for. I mean, wiimote light sabers, how cool is that?
- 25 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+2 Karma

The 80's did rock! I have satellite radio and I mostly listen to the 80's channel (well and Howard Stern! *grin*). Thre was great music, some amazing movies, Duran Duran.. LOL. My Interest in th eMartial Arts though was born in the 70's. It was watching hte Kung Fu television series that completely captured my imagination and shaped my vision of what I wanted out of the Martial Arts.

I will say though that films like "Bloodsport" and "Enter the Ninja" and ALL the Bruce Lee movies tempered the "spiritual aspects" of the art with a more pragmatic "ass kikckin" theme! *grin*


I think you have captured the essence of the disappointment with the Lucas body of work. The first Three (I guess really the Middle Three) were completely epic and breathtaking and transported us to an amazing Universe. But the prequels were so disjointed and pedestarian. They always seemed to be rushing to cram in details and explanations and ignored that there really was an amazing story that should have been told. I didn't need an explanation of what made the force work, I just needed Liam Neeson to be a Jedi Knight (which I thought he did actually rather well DESPITE the direction).

Great movies are about great stories, and they can oddur even in a venue where we already "know the ending". A great director takes us along an amazing journey with Chracters not factoids and George Lucas seemed to have forgotten that critical elements.. Oh yeah and the Frack'n Jar Jar Binks... Puh-LEASE!
- 26 February, 2007
Lacey says
+1 Karma
@ Matt

I'd have to admit im a fan of 80's music. I wear my suuunglasses at night! =P

@ Poss

Holy crap! I didnt even think about playing starwars on the wii. now i really want to. immediately. lol

@ Rob
Jar Jar Binksa can kiss my ass-a.
- 26 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+2 Karma

Ummm... frankly that would seem more of a Reward than a Punishment.. *evil grin*
- 26 February, 2007
Lacey says
+1 Karma
@ Rob

you are a perv! lol
- 26 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

Card Carying! *evil grin*
- 26 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+1 Karma
Rob, did you by any chance watch 'Black belt Theater' in the 80s? Thats where I got my first taste of 70s kung fu.
- 26 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+2 Karma

I did not get Bb Theater... I lived in Rural Canada and only get a trickle of the Kung Fu goodness. Kunfu Fu the series was carried by one of the 3 stations we could reviece with an antenna.. other than that there was not a lot of Martial Arts content.. *sad face*
- 26 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+2 Karma
I used to watch Kung Fu in the 80s and Kung Fu: the legend continues in the 90s. I can't remember if that was any good tho.
- 26 February, 2007
Tara says
+6 Karma
Star Wars....it's awesome. "There's only one return and it's not of the king, it's of the Jedi!"
- 26 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

You are absolutely Correct! Star Wars ROCKS! And Return of the Jedi is prolly my favorite!
- 26 February, 2007
Ati says
+2 Karma
The Wii starwars game looks like its going to rock, simply because it uses Euphoria (as well as the fact that a lightsaber with the Wiimote is going to rock.)
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma
Wii lightsabers! Mmmm.. I might have to purchase a Wii now.. *grin*
- 27 February, 2007
Lacey says
+1 Karma
@ Tara

HAHA yes i love the Clerks 2. Im giving you karma for referencing it!
- 27 February, 2007
Lacey says
+1 Karma
Oh, and @ Ati & Rob

I could definately beat you at that game
- 27 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
Lacey, i am afraid you are sorely mistaken if you believe you can best me in the use of a wiightsaber, I am ancient master in the use of of broomsticks and plastic swords
- 27 February, 2007
p0ss says
+1 Karma
any bets on how long before someone tapes two wiimotes to a broomstick, darth maul styles?
- 27 February, 2007
Lacey says
+1 Karma
@ p0ss
haha well i used wrapping paper rolls. does that count?
- 27 February, 2007
p0ss says
+1 Karma
ahhh, i see you are a student of the school of elongated toilet rolls, a venerable style indeed, did you study under master foil? have you learnt the legendary cling wrap snare?
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

*mechanical breathing* I see your training is complete.. Now you shall know the true Power of the Dark Side! *mechanical breathing*

Bring it Lacey.. I got Saber skills as well as Writing Skills! *grin*

And you toilet roll warriors don't scare me.. I fight every week with REAL sticks and swords! *evil grin*
- 27 February, 2007
johnny says
+0 Karma
I've never seen any of them all the way through, so
I'd have to say n/a
- 28 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+0 Karma
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma
Matt & Lacey

You get Johnny feet and arms and I'll prep the "viewing chair" and we can make him watch Star Wars "Clockwork Orange" style..


Really... This is for your own good.. you need to see All the Star wars movies... *grin*
- 28 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+0 Karma
Clockwork Orange style hmmm. Right, Right! I'll rip off his shirt and show his breasts to the camera and you beat the crap outa him with a stick! Oh wait, you mean the other part in the movie...
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

Shhh... That's for our special time LATER! *LOL*
- 28 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma
@ p0ss

haha of course. I am a master at the "cling wrap snare".

@ rob & Matt

awww how cute. lovebirds lol
- 28 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+0 Karma
haha.. IKKK!
- 28 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma
KKK?! racist!! haha jk
- 28 February, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+0 Karma
You found me out, I hate those damned Jarr Jarr people. They think there fancy with their damned underwater city and their damn big floppy ears. Well I'm tellin ya right now If I see one on my porch its a goner!
- 28 February, 2007
Tara says
+0 Karma
HOMYGOSH! STTTAAAARWWAAAARS! Okay, that's all I have to contribute today.
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

It's official... Tara is a screamer! *grin*
- 28 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma


@ Rob

*SMACK* dont talk about my best friend that way! hahaha
- 28 February, 2007
Tara says
+1 Karma
- 28 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma
owwww!!! that hurt !
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma
*innocent Look*

What! What did I do? *evil grin*
- 28 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma
@ Rob lol
you know what you did! haha
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

I hope Lacey has warned you that I am a COMPLETE PERV and utterly incorrigable... Though mostly harmless. *grin*
- 28 February, 2007
Lacey says
+0 Karma
@ Rob

you dont have to worry about that =P
- 28 February, 2007
Tara says
+1 Karma
Yeah, Lacey warned me. We had a whole conversation concerning your "pervyness" and incorrigableness. It was quite interesting!
- 28 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

Glad you were fully briefed! *grin*
- 01 March, 2007
Matthew Windsor says
+0 Karma
It's like 6:30 in the morning~! AHHHHHHHHH~!
- 01 March, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

Go to sleep Man! *LOL*
- 01 March, 2007
