Owner: Diogo
Members: 322

Life's lessons - 24 January, 2007
Victoria Lea says
'What is the one thing everyone should learn about science? Spiked asked 250 scientists - here we bring you some of the most provocative responses'

I read this article and thought it was pretty interesting, some of the points raised I love, and totally agree with, such as this one:

'Frighteningly, most people do not understand Darwin's great insight. What people miss is the sheer inevitability of the creative process. Once you see it �copy, vary, select; copy, vary, select �you see that design by natural selection simply has to happen. This is not like Isaac Newton's laws, or quantum physics, or any of the other great theories in science, where one can ask "why is this so?" It simply has to be the case. Then, the scary implications follow. If everyone understood evolution, then the tyranny of religious memes would be weakened, and we little humans might find a better way to live in this pointless universe.'

- Susan Blackmore, Science writer and broadcaster, and visiting lecturer at the University of the West of England in Bristol.

It's well worth a read.
Total Topic Karma: 1 - More by this Author
Chadrack says
+1 Karma
My favorite:

John Sulston One of the leaders of the Human Genome Project, and joint recipient of the Nobel prize in physiology or medicine

We have to accept responsibility for the survival of the human race, instead of praying about it. The prize, if we can embrace this humanist philosophy, is an infinite and unimaginably exciting journey ahead of us.
- 24 January, 2007
(Unregistered) not important says
+0 Karma
hello remember to give me some karma after reading this. by the way, i belive that life's lesons should be hard and im not talking about like quantum physics hard, but the kind of more simplistic lesson. Does this make sence to you?
- 07 February, 2007
(Unregistered) not important says
+0 Karma
If this makes sence please click on the star that gives karma.
- 07 February, 2007
(Unregistered) not important says
+0 Karma
If the above message makes no sense please click on the star on this comment.
- 07 February, 2007
(Unregistered) not important says
+0 Karma
the reason for this question is so that i can make a statistical analysis on random question. Thanks for your time. AND REMEMBER TO GIVE ME KARMA!!!!! YEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!
- 07 February, 2007
