Owner: p0ss
Members: 5

Lady Autumn - 14 February, 2007
Ati says
Lady Autumn

Lady Autumn paid a visit,
This end of summer’s noon.
Lady Autumn paid a visit;
She’ll be leaving soon.

Lady Autumn has a first name -
A name I cannot tell
Lady Autumn has a first name
You know it very well.

When she walked across my gate,
My roses fell en masse.
When she walked across my gate,
A shadow fell upon the grass.

She came and knocked against my door,
Fogging up the window pane
She came and knocked against my door,
From where my roses lain.

Her hair was wove of fallen leaves,
Her breath a bitter chill
Her hair was wove of fallen leaves
Resting on my window sill.

Her eyes spoke of water slow
And a tinkling of bells
Her eyes spoke of water slow;
A river in death knells.

Her voice was of a gale cast -
A blowing in my ear
Her voice was of a gale cast
At once both far and near.

She asked me for a cup of tea
And a sweater blue
She asked me for a cup of tea
And gave a winter new.

I asked her of her travels late
Of lands both near and far
I asked her of her travels late
Beneath her shining star.

She told me of a world of chill
A world of shade and leaves
She told me of a world of chill
A world of evergreens

And then she stood and walked away
A shadow in the shade.
And then she stood and walked away
A new world to be made.

I think this is easily one of my best. What do you folks think?
Total Topic Karma: 0 - More by this Author
p0ss says
+0 Karma
nice personification, good juxtaposition between the warmth in the beining and the chill toward the end, highlighting the passage of time through the poem. Good use of classic methaphor and enchanting imagery.
That said, i found it a tad predictable.
- 20 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma

any suggestions on how to make it less so?
- 23 February, 2007
