Owner: DarkMatter
Members: 36

MIT Student Arrested For Wearing 'Tech Art' Shirt At Airport - 24 September, 2007
zenmonk says
According to this Slashdot article, an artistically inclined electronics student was arrested at gunpoint for wearing a 'hoax device' that the airport security workers thought was a bomb. What is it with Boston anyway?

Now I don't know or care what this girl\\\'s IQ is, but could she really think that wouldn't happen? She doesn't seem to have been trying to make a point...she said she "just wanted to stand out on career day."

I'm all for more freedom and less airport security foolishness, but isn't this just beyond the pale?
Total Topic Karma: 12 - More by this Author
otto9otto says
+1 Karma
Given that these airport screeners are minimally educated and unleashed upon us with similarly minimal training, is this surprising? Disgusting, disturbing, even sad, but not surprising. This is similar to the incident (I believe posted on Slashdot, or maybe Digg) where an EE tried to board carrying an EPROM programmer with a single 1 ohm resistor jerry-rigged to measure current consumption. If he had installed this resistor inside the case then he would have been able to board as he would not have been a "threat". You get the security - and the intelligence - you pay for.
- Author's History - 24 September, 2007
Ati says
+1 Karma
Not surprising.

Quite frankly, I don't think it's too remarkable that they decided a shirt full of circuit boards is a bomb. With a level of intellect previously shown by security men, they probably see anything even vaguely electronic as a bomb.
- Author's History - 24 September, 2007
zenmonk says
+1 Karma
Clearly...that's my point...what the hell was she thinking? She must have known what would happen. She's lucky they didn't gun her down. Couldn't she have at least made some kind of a statement? MIT can do better!
- Author's History - 24 September, 2007
poss says
+1 Karma
First my moral indignation:

Why should she be expected to alter her clothing choices to avoid arrest?!

And now to your point.
Highly intelligent people often have woefully poor social skills. I don't think it was lack of intelligence that got her detained, but lack of street smarts.
- Author's History - 25 September, 2007
otto9otto says
+2 Karma
Hi Poss,
That is because such nerds often have Aspberger's syndrome.
- Author's History - 26 September, 2007
poss says
+1 Karma
Indeed, I am well aware of Aspberger's, I know people that have it, and i believe many more to have it to a lesser degree. I remember reading an article on the high incidence of Aspberger's in silicon valley, especially amongst the programmers.. It seems to be linked to genius in some strange way..
- Author's History - 26 September, 2007
Bryan says
+1 Karma
She got arrested for wearing a bread bored on her chest -_-.
- Author's History - 30 September, 2007
Ati says
+2 Karma

My theory is that the the brain resources which would normally be channeled into the mirror neuron system in normal individuals is instead used to expand the logical or artistic brain regions in Asperger's subjects.

That might help to explain why artistic or scientific geniuses throughout history have had such poor social skills: Albert Einstein, Mozart, Newton, etc.)
- Author's History - 30 September, 2007
QuantumBeep says
+0 Karma
Airport screeners don't have time to look at the bundle of wires and circuit boards to see if maybe it's just some sort of art project. If there's a random human wandering around an airport looking like that, that person needs to be subdued in as few milliseconds as possible.

You can't have everything. You can't expect your airports to be secure AND expect to be allowed to run around wearing something that only an electrical nerd could differentiate from a bomb.
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
Ati says
+1 Karma
Well QB, if the airport 'security' men cannot tell the difference between a lump of useless electronics glued to a T-shirt, and a bomb, then I seriously doubt that they are competent enough to improve the security of the airlines to any significant degree.
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
QuantumBeep says
+0 Karma
How good is your vision?
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
depends on whether I'm wearing contacts or not
- Author's History - 04 October, 2007
poss says
+1 Karma
I don't give a fuck about security.

If we spent half the money we spend on security on aid, we wouldn't have to worry about security.
- Author's History - 08 October, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
That and education...
- Author's History - 11 October, 2007
