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Trouble installing PHP on windows. - 29 January, 2007
Constantine says
from: http://www.shuzak.com/Replies.php?ID=4769&Topic;_ID=1&t;=My-VoIP-Service-Sucks

To install php on windows, double click on the executable, and follow the prompts.

What trouble are you having
Total Topic Karma: 27 - More by this Author
Admin Jawad says
+4 Karma
oh God. I had to install PHP on three of my computers..and it was a headache each time. This was a long time ago when I wasn't familiar with LAMP. Integrating PHP with MySQL and Apache, making changes to the httpd.conf and .ini files all required an effort (as opposed to double clicking on a .exe file).

I haven't installed PHP on Ubuntu yet, though I am guessing it is easier on Linux.
- 29 January, 2007
Constantine says
+5 Karma
It must have been a while ago, because I just installed Apache/PHP/MySQL on a widows machine, and the PHP installer took care of writing everything! It was pretty slick

Though I do acknowledge that doing the same thing from synaptic in Ubuntu is also a piece of cake.
- 29 January, 2007
Admin Jawad says
+4 Karma
Really? Damn it. I should've waited an year to install PHP.
- 29 January, 2007
RAMiN says
+3 Karma
just use WAMP for windows and LAMP for linux. you can get LAMP with the APT repository system.
- 29 January, 2007
Constantine says
+3 Karma
Xampp is also an easy tool if you are just doing dev work on windows.
- 29 January, 2007
RAMiN says
+2 Karma
Yes, it is good, just that Xampp is hard to configure with routers.
- 29 January, 2007
Constantine says
+3 Karma
Yeah I also don't like things that are not secured on purpose at the beginning. It just makes me feel odd.
- 29 January, 2007
paul says
+0 Karma
I use xampp, on my computer, installs php, mysql, and some other crap, all at the click of a button.

- 29 January, 2007
ashiomxell says
+1 Karma
I'm using WAMP on windows (comes with Apache, MySQL, PHP, SQLite, PHPMyAdmin, etc...), although if you use Eclipse I think XAMPP integrates better with it...
- 29 January, 2007
gleenglobin says
+1 Karma
I also use xampp to install PHP on my machine, the only drawback is only apache or IIS can be active at one time, sometimes I develop for ASP .NET
- 29 January, 2007
Josh Simmons says
+1 Karma
I use XAMPP for Windows for setting up servers locally for development and testing.

I love WAMP.
- 29 January, 2007
