Owner: Kool
Members: 46

my brother is a geek! -
Kool Uncool says
my bro is a geek! is it a contagious disease??!
Total Topic Karma: 67 - More by this Author
Admin Jawad says
apparently, it isn't. cz' if it were, I would've a smarter sister.
Waqas A. Baggia says
sorry bro, ur sis is WAYYY smarter than u, and definitely got the looks. wat happen to u? lol. and howcome we can't directly talk to people?
Admin Jawad says
I will code scrapping feature tonight. Hopefully, it will be done by the time you wake up 2morrow. lol.
Kool Uncool says
hehe. thnx wacko.

aju...wats this karma shit and the ratings? and if karma's something good...howcome mine's 0??? can't u program it to make mine a 1000 or somethin?
Admin Jawad says
yea sure why not. 1000 rating it is!
Admin Jawad says
btw, this karma "shit" indicates a person's level of intelligence. When someone finds your reply good, they will rate it by clicking on "Thumbs Up".
Kool Uncool says
hmmmm...in other words...Shuzak encourages geekiness.

lets see....i believe the world would be a better place if all animal, birds, and trees were destroyed and we only had artificial oxygen generators and food pills for everybody.

ok i dont really believe that, but is that intelligent enuf???
Admin Jawad says
yea sure, there you go, one more rating.
Waqas A. Baggia says
wheres the any key? i mean, the thumbs up button? btw, u must really like this sibling, dont see the other 3 on here.
Admin Jawad says
The other three? There are only two others. And Anam is on here. Salman doesn't know about Shuzak, lol
Kool Uncool says
+1 Karma
funny thing is...you guys are all geeks and u're in the community AGAINST them!
Kool Uncool says
+1 Karma
but its all good dawg =D
aju...can't I add actual smiley icons...like how u make them in brackets ()?
Cheemeric says
+2 Karma
"geek" : a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked

So we know we r disliked, but thats part of what we like abt ourselves!!

Its an irony being a geek

JaHaNzeB says
+2 Karma
add 1 more geek to the list
JaHaNzeB says
+1 Karma
by the way, this is a great site that you programmed, Jawad.
Gulblah says
+2 Karma
Is there really anything wrong with being a geek? Perhaps most people who dispise geeks are technologically challenged, and just like mentally challenged, it perhaps would be an appropriate measure to be sympathetic (if not empathetic). :>
Waqas A. Baggia says
+3 Karma
well to be honest, i think sobia is just referrn to her brother. trust me, if there was a mt everest of geekiness, it would be jd lol
Riddhi says
+2 Karma
cool...so we're having a geek get-together here? how fantastic...and i couldn't wait to be part of it, could i?
gowthamn says
+2 Karma
at some point of time u ll feel gr8 being a GEEk.. and an envy of others
Kool Uncool says
+2 Karma
cheemano1: spoken like a true geek

gulblah: with a nickname like that, i'd say you need all the sympathy u can get!

wacko: actually i'm refering to all of u. i happen to know that all of you were handpicked by aju for this site, since this site is aimed specifically at geeks.

Gothamn: awww....the wishful thinker!!

btw...hi to jb. abbas and riddhi. yea...i guess this is a geek get-together...and i think im getting sucked into it too...you guys are a sneaky evil lot. preying on innocent starry eyed victims...
Kool Uncool says
+1 Karma
and aju...thnx for the geek's drawing on display in the community. looks awesome
Gulblah says
+1 Karma
Thanks for your sympathies ma'am, I always thought it'd be better than some clich�-d nick, besides its got a history (for me atleast) . So yes.. merci!

and as for the starry eyed victimes, perhaps a lesser dose of dope would help.
Waqas A. Baggia says
+0 Karma
Kool Uncool says
+0 Karma
aju = jawad...didnt u know that?
Hammaad Alvi says
+2 Karma
Imagine a world where everyone is scratching their heads most of the time (I'm not talking about a universal rule of lice). That implies: no wars, no bloodshed, no physical violence etc. I don't think its contagious but maybe we could manipulate natural selection to reach that coveted utopia.
Gulblah says
+2 Karma
Wouldn't manipulating natural selection result in a disbalance in human evolution and further down the line, be a possible cause for deaths of thousands, who weren't exactly the fittest for survival? What if an alien invasion occurs? Non violent race wouldn't even stand a chance... besides its called utopia for a reason *smirk*
Hammaad Alvi says
+1 Karma
Well, I guess it will. Eugenics' pretty shaky as I've come to realise lately. But I would insist that the world does need a larger number of head-scratchers anyway.
Admin Jawad says
+2 Karma
The problem in creating any economic/political system, you see, is that we assume we can reach a utopian society. For Communists, it is the command economy. For capitalists, it is the free market. Both have the same objective of creating a fair market for the common good. However, the assumption that either could ever work is false. We, as humans, are fundamentally flawed. There can be no such society, ever.
Hammaad Alvi says
+1 Karma
Like: "This sentence is false."
Joseph says
+0 Karma
"I am not lying."

Try to wrap your head around this one if you think you're smart enough.
Joseph says
+0 Karma
"I am lying now."

I meant this one.
Hammaad Alvi says
+1 Karma
"If everthing within the inverted commas is true then I'm the smartest kid ever to crawl on earth." (Curry's paradox).
Actually I originally thought that if x is fundamentally flawed then x's assessment should also be flawed but even if this line of reasoning is ok, I don't think it really works its way to something like liar's paradox. Since x's assessment is that x is fundamentally flawed, so x is not fundamentally flawed, looks like it stops here. x can make a flawed assessment even when not being fundamentally flawed xself(?). Still, it makes x's statement that x is fundamentally flawed untrue(?).
Joseph says
+1 Karma
Did you know someone actually died while "brooding" away, without food or sleep, about the liar's paradox?
Hammaad Alvi says
+1 Karma
That's called 'being true to one's own soul.'
- 02 November, 2006
Romulo says
+0 Karma
nah, that's called beeing stupid =p
- 29 November, 2006
Hammaad Alvi says
+1 Karma
Aren't they compatible ('being stupid' & 'being true to one's soul')?
- 29 November, 2006
Romulo says
+0 Karma
sometimes, indeed!
- 01 December, 2006
Constantine says
+0 Karma
"is that intelligent enuff"
That is all I am going to say
- 30 December, 2006
RyeGye24 says
+0 Karma
| |=331 +|-|1$ |>1@(3 1$/\/7 0|=|=1(1411`/ 633|< VV1+|-| 0u7 $0/\/\3 1337
- 25 January, 2007
RyeGye24 says
+0 Karma
1337 does not work with this formatting. It gets rid of all the spaces
- 25 January, 2007
ZupaDupa says
+1 Karma
My little brother is 7 years old. He plays a lot of games (Lego Star Wars, Star Wars Battlefront II, Jedi Academy...), but he also knows how to use Skype, Gmail, Photoshop and surf the net When he was 2 years old, I had to add a password to my Windows account, or otherwise he would've messed up all my files while I was in school. Right now we're waiting for new parts of his computer to arrive so we can install Linux with XGL on it... and that was his idea
- 28 January, 2007
Constantine says
+0 Karma
XGL is pretty awesome, have you seen that new Mandriva UI tool? Metisse, I think it is called?
- 29 January, 2007
