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the geekiest geek in geekdom - 26 February, 2007
p0ss says
Who is the geekiest person on Shuzak? and who is/was the geekiest person ever?
Total Topic Karma: 16 - More by this Author
Ati says
+1 Karma
Geekiest person on shuzak? I don't know.

Geekies person ever?

Well, Sir Isaac Newton might be a nominee.
- 26 February, 2007
Scorcho says
+2 Karma
My vote goes to Stephen Hawking for geekiest ever.
- 27 February, 2007
Ati says
+2 Karma
Actually, if you look at geek as lack of social skills, not only is he married, but if you read his books, he seems like a really nice, well spoken guy.

Isaac Newton, on the other hand, was not known for his good interpersonal skills, despite his genius.
- 27 February, 2007
Yue says
+1 Karma
I've had to have clocked more hours on shuzak than most. i'm the geekiest! ;p
as for ever, i dunno. that guy! *points*
- 27 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
if yue wants the title i am happy give it to him
- 27 February, 2007
Yue says
+0 Karma
haha. I don't think I've contributed as much as anyone though. just got the hours going.
- 27 February, 2007
Constantine says
+2 Karma
I would go with Hx10 for his mad finding of exploits on Shuzak
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+3 Karma
Interesting problem... How to crown the King Geek (or Queen!) in a Kingdom (Queendom?) of Geeks... Tough Call here!

Perhaps it is easier to think about the greatest Geek in all of History..

I like ATI's nomination of Sir Isaac Newton.. His geek rep was extraordinary and his insight was Profound! But we will also have to consider the most popular face of Geekdom, albert Einstein! The picture of him sticking out his tongue is CLASSIC! And Dr. Hawking is definately in that running too!

Can we include Geeks from fiction? If so we can include Spock, Scotty, Mouse, Samantha Carter, and so many others...

And what about the Old School Geeks! Like Ptolemy, Aristotle, and Euclid?

Ahhh but you know I think I have come to my answer in this path of musings.. It is he who has given us our motto, our most treasured expression: Eureka!

Archimedies Baby! He is the baddest Geek in Town, EVER!

I vote for Archimedes!
- 27 February, 2007
paul says
+2 Karma
jawad, cos it is his site.. lol

um, as for the geekiest person ever:

Can't get much geekier than that. lol
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

Dude that picture is almost Hip man! Jesus you should have seen my Cs Class in hte 80's... Oiy!

Of course I PERSONALLY was going thgouh my Don Johnson stage and looked VERY hip! *ROFLMAO*
- 27 February, 2007
paul says
+0 Karma
lol....................... oooooooooookaaaaaaaaaaay then
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+0 Karma

Oh yeah... Pastel colored shirts, linen Suit and canvas shoes with no socks... YEAH! And I litened to Jan Hammer real loud in my Red Mustang.. until I blew the tranny... *sad look*
- 27 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
Archimedes might work. Jawad might be a good nominee as well.
- 27 February, 2007
p0ss says
+0 Karma
what about hitler? dorky little genius with poor social skills
- 27 February, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

Ohhh Hitler was a Freak not a Geek.. But thanks for playing! *grin*
- 27 February, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma
He was a disgruntled art freak.
- 02 March, 2007
Admin Jawad says
+0 Karma
Hitler had great social skills; that's one of the thing that got him German support. Anyway, I vote Archimedes as the geekiest person ever. Let's not forget that he got murdered when he refused to move from his position while drawing math equations & circles on the ground.

As for the geekiest person on Shuzak; I would nominate Nadeem (PhD student at 22), Jared (Particle accelerators), Patrick (Quantum Mechanics), and Diogo (Professor at 22). Actually, it is quite a difficult thing to judge considering how many smart people are on this place
- 03 March, 2007
Rob Masson says
+1 Karma

I think all of the Shuzak Members you nominated are excellent choices! I have one small request. Whoever we appoint to be the Geekiest Geek should be crowned with a ceremony and I would like to officiate on behalf of the The Church of Rob.. *grin*
- 03 March, 2007
Admin Jawad says
+0 Karma
hah. So we are looking for the Geek Idol?
- 03 March, 2007
Ati says
+0 Karma

Do you rememmber in greek mythology when Discord threw the golden apple? I forsee something like that happening.
- 03 March, 2007
Saba Khan says
+0 Karma
I nominate for Jawad.

Look at him, he like the best geek idol ever.
- 04 March, 2007
