Owner: p0ss
Members: 5

we all hate it, we all do it. This is a community for all things work related.

Unemployed ( 3 replies )
Has anyone here ever been unempoyeed? What was it like? what is the welfare system like where you come from?...Click Here | By p0ss
What was yoru worst job? ( 4 replies )
My worst job was working in a Gatoraid factory. Ala Lavern and Shirley- bottles zinging by on the water conveyor and me picking up damaged bottles. It was loud, the place smelled like burning oil and Gatoraid, Met an old guy there who was one of the saddest men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Everyone who worked there was either a shell of a human being or a soulless harpy nazi manager type. AND I had to wear an hair net AND a beard net. Second worst was being a busboy in a Mexican rest...Click Here | By tofugorilla
What is your dream job? ( 40 replies )
if you could do ANYTHING what would it be?...Click Here | By p0ss
what is your job? ( 15 replies )
what do you do for a living? ...Click Here | By p0ss


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