Owner: Admin
Members: 133

We think in binary

E-Books for Programmers ( 6 replies )
Here is a list I found on E-Books. It might be useful for some of you programmers out there: Java http://more-java.blogspot.com Unix/Linux http://more-unix-linux.blogspot.com C++ http://more-cpp.blogspot.com C http://more-c.blogspot.com C# http://more-csharp.blogspot.com PhP http://more-php.blogspot.com DotNet http://more-dotnet.blogspot.com...Click Here | By Admin Jawad
We think in binary? ( 15 replies )
Really, we think in our own programming language(s) of choice. Except for some bitwise operators I don't know of anyone who uses binary on a day to day basis. Certainly not when using scripting languages like PHP and mySQL. My amazing.com social networking site is developed using Ruby on Rails, Javascript and of course the usual HTML and CSS. Ruby on Rails definitely lets you do complex stuff more easily than other languages. I used to code all my w...Click Here | By David H Dennis
New Feature! Highlight Code ( 23 replies )
Guys, sometime ago I promised some people that Shuzak will eventually support highlighting programming syntax. I felt this as very important as many people felt frustrated over this on other social networks. Well anyway, now you can post your code and have it highlighted. It supports several languages and indents the code as you desire (something Samus tried getting on Orkut for programmers). Here is an example: [code=php]...Click Here | By Admin Jawad
Languages behind Shuzak ( 18 replies )
For anyone wondering, there are 5 languages running behind the scenes here: 1. PHP 2. MySQL 3. CSS 4. XHTML 5. Javascript :)...Click Here | By Admin Jawad


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